
In a recent and thought-provoking endeavor, Wincy established What The Future Publishing (WTF), which carries a unique twist. Despite its acronym, WTF symbolizes an introspective exploration of past and present actions, centering on fostering future growth.

The logo, featuring the simple yet attention-grabbing WTF initials, is accentuated by a signature scream face, capturing the essence of the uncertainty and excitement that accompanies the journey into the future. It evokes a sense of curiosity and anticipation towards what lies ahead.

Championing women, the first magazine from WTF, Leading Ladies, celebrates accomplished women worldwide, inspiring and empowering females.

WTF Transparent, delves into business, global news, and politics, aiming to enlighten and contribute to the public and society at large. WTF Publishing embodies Wincy's vision to foster inspiration, knowledge, and progress for a better future.

The latest publication, For Real?! is a dynamic magazine exploring the latest tech trends, breakthroughs, and the potential of technology. Discover the future of AI, VR, and more in this captivating resource for tech enthusiasts and curious minds.