
ChatBuddy Online Shop

The company, a tech-driven enterprise, integrates 3D printing, robotics, and ChatGPT to create a personalised companion for individuals. This buddy leverages ChatGPT technology to interact with users in a genuinely friendly manner. The project encompasses suggesting a name, designing a logo, and crafting the website.

Design Concept

The color orange symbolizes optimism, confidence, enthusiasm, warmth, and agreeableness. It exudes vibrancy and encourages innovation and boldness. Some may also associate orange with friendly animals like cats and dogs. The logo features a pair of animated eyes that blink upon mouse hover.

Website Design

The website prioritizes seamless communication. It boasts a clean and user-friendly layout to ensure easy navigation. In addition to the landing page, key sections include a technology overview, an online shop, and an in-depth technology page. A "Contact Us" section is included for general inquiries and custom orders.

Additional Details

Here's a more comprehensive outline of the design proposal and its confirmation with the client. This encompasses the website's information architecture, a flowchart, and a detailed Figma diagram for visual representation. See below a video for the flow and navigation of the website.